Re: Nagot gick fel
Here are some fresh bugs. If I'm repeating known issues, you are allowed to sue me. Wait, no, the word I was looking for is "disregard". Anyway,
1. Fighting against a T'ien Chi AI, I noticed that all ghosts conjured in the battle spell "Wrath of the Ancients" abided after the battle and showed up on the world map.
2. AI seems to be unable to storm castles. I've seen multiple giant stacks of AI warriors siege enemy castles forever; even empty ones.
I can't rule out that this behavior is caused by playing on a random map.
3. There's someting wrong with the code for immortals dying in friendly dominion. I sent my Phoenix pretender to a dominion 1 province. He was needle-cushioned by enemy archers and stayed dead. Next turn dominion of that region had even increased to 2. He really should'nt have died.
I hope I'm helping here.
Edit: I still have the files for the game in question, in case someone is interested.