Thread: Babylon 5 Mod
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Old June 9th, 2004, 01:57 AM

Goatfoam Goatfoam is offline
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Default Re: Babylon 5 Mod

Other than the description bugs/typos et al, there were also quite a few other things that I noticed (or the lack thereof) that I'd really like to see in this mod, hell, even work on if you'd let me. Bare in mind that I haven't tried any of the following ideas out yet, so I don't know how easy they would be to implement, but I'm sure something could be arranged. That's if you like the ideas, of course.

Babylon 5
There... well, there isn't one. I'd love to see it. There are two ideas I had of how you could go about doing this. The first would involve setting Babylon 5 up as a race all of its own. The second would involve new tech trees, most likely for the EA (which, if implemented properly, would probably make them highly unbalanced).

Both have pros and cons, obviously.

Babylon 5 as an "Empire" would throw the timeline off kilter, since it could be said to have been around since space travel first became possible. This is the most obvious con, but one that I feel could be overlooked. Like the Vorlons and Shadows, population growth would be next to nothing. However, fortunately for Bablon 5, they would be in orbit around The Great Machine, which would be a definite benefit - I was thinking that Babylon 5 could be represented by an actual station in orbit around the planet, and while the planet itself would have several facilities (probably construction), the majority of the work would be done by the station itself, which would be made up of many new components to simulate normal planetside facilities (some examples would be: Red Sector - Organics, Grey Sector - Construction, Yellow Sector - Cargo, Brown Sector - Minerals (mainly from trade)... I could go on), as well as other components that, as well as the more standard parts (weapons, defence grids, cobra bays) could represent ambassadors like G'Kar, Londo, Delenn and Kosh (who would provide Diplomacy Points (which would function like Intel)) - not to mention other famous faces like Garibaldi, Lyta Alexander... I won't bore you with a list of characters, but I think you can see the point I'm getting at.

As for "Diplomacy points" - they were another idea I had, since Babylon 5 really isn't the sort of empire to be sneaky as their goal is obviously peace. So, you'd have a host of B5-specific Intel techs to open up, which would tamper with relations (not sure if this is possible yet), open up new trade routes, set limits on people being naughty (mass drivers, anyone?), diplomatic espionage and more. With options for rangers, ships from different empires, and technology from Epsilon 3, there'd be plenty of stuff to keep the player busy, especially in a multiplayer RP scenario.

Of course, as I said, the other option would be to add Babylon 5 technology to EA, which would probably totally unbalance them. I much prefer the empire idea, personally. Either way, though, it'd be a shame to miss out on Babylon 5 itself in the finish product, right?

I'd also propose a seperate Intel tech purely for Diplomatic actions, since, again, I feel that a lot of the flavour of Babylon 5 comes from the politics involved, as well as the intrigue and the various wars. These wouldn't be quite the same as the Babylon 5-specific techs, but could be fun. I also think it would be great to tamper with the general diplomatic model (the message thing) to flesh it out a little more as far as treaties and the like go, but again, I haven't looked into that too deeply yet.

Would anyone be interested in either or both of these ideas, or do they suck?
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