Well hello again,
Tjeez, I beginning to feel like a, a, a person without internet!!!! Aarrrgggg!!!!!
My whole social life is dying...
I really wish those @$$#0|3$ at planet internet did something. This little mistake of them is taking a few months now to rectify. Stupid idiots.
Glad you decided to take out the LNAW. I hope I can be of assistance pretty quick cuase this is getting on my nerves. It's not right. I should do my part.
Anyway, I hope I can be back here before the end of this week. But again no promisses. I don't know how incompetent those fools on the other end my internet connection are.

I can only please one person per day, and today is not your day. And tomorrow isn't looking too good either.
Gabriella in
Blood 2
Men may control the free world, but women control the boobs.
Brent in
Plaver vs. Player