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Old June 23rd, 2006, 03:01 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: AZ: Working in IT

Imperator Fyron said:
Doing tech support for friends and family is just as good an experience for this, I think.
Heh, I've been the resident hard and software guy for my family (and somewhat for my extended family) since '97 when we first got a computer (I was 10 at the time ). You learn a whole lot in that amount of time, more in the software end though. Personally I like the hardware side of things a little more, and took the time to figure out on my own how everything works. Don't have to have any formalized training to be able to take apart and put back together a computer, but it's a useful skill.

I'm actually thinking of getting into a field with something to do with supporting computers as well, though I'm not sure where and what exactly. I think I have enough basic knowledge to build on and learn what I need to know, though that's yet to be seen
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