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Old May 17th, 2006, 12:39 PM
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Puke Puke is offline
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Puke is on a distinguished road
Default Re: O\'s??

covered with scorch marks, and with splintered chunks of floor boards sticking out of him, a look of panic washed over puke's... ...features

in slow motion, RD shakes his head as the lead skunkupine calls out the order: "Fffffffffiiiiiiiiii-----"

Puke leaps through the air, and describes a gracefull arc towards the bar "iiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrr-----"

As a large mass of vomit, Puke can disable his olfactory senses when the need arises. But more important things need to be saved. With a wet *splork* he lands.

"rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee!" and the skunkupines discharge their oily stench. RD is coated with truely horid things, and his eyes begin to burn and water.

Fortuneatly, a large mass of vomit is covering all of the taps. With a newly formed pseudopod, puke turns on the one labled "Spaten" and with the two little shovels on it. Ahh. the beer is safe.

what? no one else thinks its good that their taps are covered in vomit? what?
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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