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Old May 13th, 2006, 05:53 AM
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Puke Puke is offline
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Default Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!

good gods, man. sentient gloop hurling floorboards? incoming skunkupines? and why did Ashton just run into the broom closet? Doesnt he know that time machine was sold on ebay weeks ago?

but wait, theres a method to this *ow* -- who hit me with a floorboard? -- method to this madness. That gloop is pulling up floorboards and making a track. it leads from the door, to the...

just then dozens of small creatures covered in black spines with white racing stripes pour through the door. they are coralled by the reshaped floorboards, and they run in a nice arcing path to the broom closet.

non-chalantly, puke closes the door behind them.

a cry of suppries is followed by yelps of pain, and a slowly wafting but increasing stench.

man, now how are we going to get the smell out of here? and how long do you think it will take them in that closet with Ashton, before they run out of quills?

And is this gloop going to clean its self up, or *ow!* hey, quit hitting me with floor boards!
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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