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Old May 12th, 2006, 06:55 PM
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Black_Knyght Black_Knyght is offline
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Default Re: O\'s??

[i] A long, slow trembling sensation starts to rumbled through the ground beneath everyones feet. Slowly, but steadily, the vibrations grow in intensity. Cups rattle over and off the edges of tables, pictures on the walls tilt madly and fall crashing to the floor, pointless bling-bling jingles like Santa's sleigh-bells......

Then, with a tremendous crash, the front doors fly open and through bursts a man in a stained and dirty lab coat. He dashes into the middle of the room, pauses and cathes his breath.

Then, as the smell of something....just wrong....begins to permeate the room he suddenly stands bolt upright and screams...."RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!! THE SKUNKUPINES HAVE BROKEN LOOSE, AND THEIR HEADED THIS WAY !!!", turns and flees out the door again. He can be heard mumbling something about hybrid animals and having "oopsed" again.......

Run if you like, you'll only die tired....

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