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Old April 9th, 2006, 04:00 PM

High_Priest_Naresh High_Priest_Naresh is offline
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Default lord of the rings mod

I am back *waits for the sound of cheers and cries of happiness and glory to die down*

so far I have made Isenguard weapons and armour:
crude short sword- orc workers low in everything
uruk sword- uruk-hai medium damage and low att def
beserker T-sword- beserkers high is damage about 6-8)medium att low def

uruk shield- uruks -1 def +1 enc.

warriors hope to be:
orc warrior
uruk-hai scout
uruk-hai warrior (sword shield)
uruk-hai warrior (pike)
uruk-hai warrior (crossbow)
beserker (beserker T-sword)
warg rider (javelins + crode short sword)

I also have plans for
elven nations
possibly hobbits

please tell me what u think as I can then ake it better and better hopefully releasing a mod which will be used in large multiplayer games
I went to royal cornwall 8/6/06-9/6/06...
met a girl...
Chloe I will remember as always yet love is fickle and past loves fly out of mind in a matter of days

jut like Rosanna
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