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Old February 17th, 2006, 05:29 PM

Davin Davin is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

I really like the modability of the game. I like how it sortof plays at being epic while still only absorbing moments of your time. Some of the items seem like they belong in history books while others seem like they belong in the trash can, giving the game a very real feeling. When I first got into combat my very first thought was "damnit I'd better be able to RAM things!" and lo and behold, I can! I think a little bit needs to be done as far as the logistical benefits and detriments to ramming (like if the Klakar ship ever tried to ram something it would crinkle like foil, it's just not designed for that crap) but it should always be an option. Collision is a real concern in space.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

There's not much about the game design that I don't like, but the content could be more diverse. After playing countless rounds on large, medium, and small maps and playing community mods, I feel like the original game is analogous to a "starter set" of a CCG. I think eventually once engine updates have petered out or slowed down you could do well to release greater content packs, especially quests, without changing the balances and overall feel of the current game as much as you would with a mod. The primordius quest especially has a great feeling to it.

3) Which map size do you prefer?

large all the way

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

i tend to pick the pirate or the military ships but the scanners on the science ship were a nice touch

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

i don't think they're too easy, just too few. this goes along with my request for more content: you end up facing the same bosses too many times and get used to how they fight.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

risky for the most part. i'll elaborate in a sec.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

well, not in the sense of normal roleplaying, but i tend to pick a tactic and stick to it. if i'm in the mood for a hostile conquest (which i frequently am) you'll see me trekking halfway accross the sector to drop the mantle at glory so nobody tries to ally with me. other times that will be the one item that i seek out the most, looking to make as much peace and profit as possible. of course if i find the horlogue or accidentally stumble accross the d-stroyer i really like playing that quest.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

pinned to my xp start menu

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

the lookout frogs are absolutely hilarious but not really a character
esmeralda or fomax probably

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

nope, i got here through a penny arcade link

I read some of the other responses and PvK's idea about reversability sounds pretty interesting. You could make it as simple as firing braking thrusters to give you a quick drift backwards, in which case you wouldn't even need to add another ship's system or relate it to your normal impulse engines at all. It would give you a good way to avoid ramming as well, which enemies need to do more often (dead ship-drift isn't good enough for me!) as a last resort, or for Garthans maybe a viable tactic.