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Old February 10th, 2006, 05:51 PM

William_Minsinger William_Minsinger is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) Favorite Item is the Plasma Cloaker- I've used it to sneakily defeat enemies I usually can't tackle without some really good weapons. Favorite new feature is the Primordous quest, great idea.

2) Least favorite item is the Mantle of Babulon. I really like the idea, it just seems to make the game too easy and it turns up in the most random places. I'd either make it a quest goal or require the player to assemble Babulon's full regalia. Least favorite feature is your wingmen not being that smart- it can be very hard to manage a full fleet, sometimes the wingmen are a liability. I'd like to see the option for the wingmen to accept some more general orders and fight on thier own.

3) Medium Map- I use WW as a 'take a break from a project' type game, and Medium strikes the right balance between too fast and slow.

4) Pirate Corvette is my favorite. Good combination of starting items and cargo space, and I seem to have much better luck with finding artifacts then life forms!

5) Pretty much spot on, I think, though some are defintly harder then others.

6) I pretty much know how many enemies I can handle with what equipment, so combat wise I tend to play it safe. In the overall game I am a risk taker though- I almost always break the Bauble, I will try just one more star even if my time is running out, etc.

7) Not really enough character interaction to 'roleplay' much, but I do try to complete each mission as a I feel it should be. Like in the science mission I always try to make peace with as many people as possible, in the pirate mission I will ruthlessly exploit everyone and anything for points, for the Military mission I will do my best to wipe out every hostile fleet on the map, etc.

8) Yes, and the start menu, and the task launcher tray!

9) Hmmm, It would have to be Ripcord, cool little background story and a neat ship. Would really like to see more characterization all around though.

10) I only played the demo of SIAS, but I played it a lot.
