TaoLibra said:
I find it terribly amusing that you think you have any "argument," because I haven't seen you present anything but illogical assumptions.
How are my assumptions illogical? Unlike you, I've actually read both the links you posted earlier in this thread. Unlike you, I'm not so utterly fixed on the idea that a Dyson sphere is a rigid body that I refuse to even consider other construction methods. Tell me, what superstrong materials are needed to make large sections of independently orbiting habitats that have energy collectors to gather aas much radiation as possible? Unlike you, I'm actually aware that any civilization that wants to delay the heat-death of the universe is going to go to drastic lengths to conserve as much energy as possible.
I find it even more amusing that you are whining about me being "hostile," for doing no more than what you are yourself doing: DISAGREEING.
I'm complaining that you are being hostile because you are yelling and ignoring everybody's arguments. If you don't realize that writing in all caps is yelling, then perhaps you need to go read up on standard netiquette and lurk for a few months before posting.
In any event, I have had quite enough of your refusal to acknowledge reason, and I am done participating in this thread. Don't bother responding to me unless you're doing it just to see yourself talk, because I won't be reading it.
You've presented no logical argument, so you can hardly accuse me of refusing to acknowledge reason when I have dealt with every single one of your points. Perhaps you should actually respond to a single one of my rebuttals, or you could implicitly concede as you've just done.
I always enjoy it when somebody refuses to even respond to their opponents' arguments, then claims victory. That's as clear a concession as can ever be gained on the internet.
And by all means, continue to believe whatever insipid nonsense you wish.
This is the standard statement of a person who knows that they have no argument. I've outlined exactly what uses a Dyson sphere could have. All you've done is stick your fingers in your ears, ignore the calculations that were presented in the links that you yourself presented, and declared victory (With lots of extremely annoying all caps, italics, bold text, and coloured fonts to boot). That's an argument style worthy of a twelve-year old.