Alby said:
The OP fire routine in WAW uses something alot better than the "op fire confirm routine" (which I never use BTW)
There is the "special OP fire" as it is called.
just when you think an enemy has used all its shots, it can sometimes surprize you with more shots. this way, you never actually know if an enemy will return fire or not, after it has used all its op fire shots.
This routine would be much better than the "OP fire confirm" routine, IMHO
The special OP fire results in unrtealistic number of kills sometimes.
1. If you attack a Panther with several(5) T34/85 from different direction it should not have that many OP fire points as it would have in WaW. (CM models this situation the best). So a unit without!!! support but some special OP fire can still prevail.
2. You have ona tank in a keyholed position and have some small calibre ATGs near it. Here the special OP fire helps a bit and because of this situation less unrealistic events occur, however the tanks' op fire can still be burned with scores of jeeps. The best solution would be to set every unit to fire at a specific target type. Even with special OP fire sometimes unrealistic results can occur(example 1.) on the other handt the spec OP fire may not be enough (example 2.)