(Some of you may have seen this post in two other forums; it didn't even occur to me to post at the the forum for the actual game until after I did so elsewhere.

Hey, folks. I'm at a loss as to why the following occurs: One of the games I'm playing these days is Windows Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank
The free version can be played at either of two resolutions: 640 X 480 or 800 X 600, and either windowed or full screen.
Now, I play it at work (after the boss leaves for the day

: ) and the PC's there are basic Dell set-ups, just enough to handle the proprietary hotel software with a VGA no better than 64mb, if that. On the computer I use, I've the resolution of the desktop at 1024 X 768. I can play the game at 800 X 600 and full screen. No problems.
But I also have the game installed on my rig at home. It's got a Radeon 9800 Pro, 128MB. I have the resolution of the desktop also set at 1024 X 768. Yet when I set the game options (800 X 600; full screen) the game is blurred and stretched way past the border of the monitor. I of course try to resize the screen, but it's already at "0".
What gives? Why is the crap rig at work displaying the game so much better than my one at home with the "better" graphics card?