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Old January 11th, 2006, 02:03 AM
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Default Re: Relative Merits of Ship/Mission Types

The point values and distribution of items slightly favor the Military mission. During the beta test, I ran numbers on it a couple of times. The Frigate gets high value for the weapons and systems that are plentiful. It also gets the best value from the ambassadors, by the way, since they are a Strategic item and not a lifeform.

I like the Survey Ship. The ability to scan for enemies is really, really handy, and the limited hardpoints is a non-issue once you get a couple of friends. Plus, lots of cargo space, high value for lifeforms and low cost for weapons and systems adds up to a well-equipped flotilla in pretty short order.

I have a mod I did (which I should really finish and post) that changes the Survey Ship to a Scout Ship. My conceptual model was the First-In Scout from the Liaden series (Carpe Diem, Agent of Change, Plan B et al). Still just one weapon, but reasonable shields, good thrusters and a viable weapon. Plus a cloak.