Adam_Bomb said:
It seems like the science vessel has another advantage in that the most expensive items are things you can easily part with (relics and lifeforms) while ship upgrades are cheap, making it very easy to outfit your fleet.
On the other hand, that means your ships' values (from their installed systems) are also that much lower. Taking the Military mission concentrates points in your ships, while the Scientific mission concentrates points in your cargo hold, and (theoretically, anyway) the Pirate mission balances the two.
For whatever it's worth,
eight of my top ten high scores (including the top four) were gotten with the Military mission, while Scientific and Pirate are tied with one each � and I try to make a point of playing all three with equal frequency.
It seems to me that if you take the Military ship,
and get all four of the allied Capital ships (or three and the D.),
and happen to find a nice assortment of the best ship systems� well, the number of system slots times the value of all those systems just adds up to more than you get from cargo.