Re: Favorite trick in the game (spoilers possible)
The Zorg Fridate's third weapon is the Antichronon Pulse Blaster. It's in a rear-facing hardpoint, so you won't see it fire unless you are engaging them from the rear. It has a huge firing arc, though, so you don't have to be too far behind them to see it -- off to the side works fine.
If you are close enough, you can see the mount in the rear of the ship.
One tip -- if you want to see how a given race's weapons work (damage level, range, firing arc) set up the simulator with you as the Urluqai with a single Deep Hunter and two enemies you want to see go at it. Cloak immediately and watch the fun. Nihilix and I spent a fair amount of time with large-scale battles between the Kawangi and the Tchorak. The Tchorak have a notable range advantage, which makes battles between them very interesting.
Also, if you want to see the power of ramming, set up this exercise:
You have 3 Deep Hunters. The enemy is one Yellow Kawangi. Cloak and ram. You should win easily.