Thread: The Patch!
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Old December 24th, 2005, 08:29 AM

TaoLibra TaoLibra is offline
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Default Re: The Patch!

ZylonBane said:
add FIRE to the enemy ship context menu. Doesn't make sense that I can fire at an empty point in space, but not at a ship.
Yes, please! "Attack" and "Ram" both require my ship to move, and I frequently prefer that they sit still and shoot from right where they are.

Also, I would very much like to have back the movement option that SAIS had, where you could click on the enemy ship, drag away, and set a "waypoint" � telling your ship "Go here, THEN turn toward the enemy ship," and when they got too close to the enemy they'd turn back to that waypoint again and repeat the same movements.

I miss that a lot, particularly with regard to fighters, because it allowed you set up an attack run that the fighter would follow over and over. Now the fighters just stupidly circle right on top of the enemy, usually too close to even fire.