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Old December 20th, 2005, 09:10 PM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: Bug during modding


I have no problem with magic numbers; I've modded A LOT in Doom a few years ago (I've created a dozen nice multiplayer WADs), and there were a lot of people complaining about the fact you could define only 3 keys / locked door "colors" per level. So what? I've never found this fact limiting -- modding is about making the best of what you have, within the predefined boundaries.

And magic numbers are everywhere. Without magic numbers, people would ALWAYS try to reach the physical limit and make stupid mods/levels. For instance, in Doom, there were no limitation on the level's vertical size... except that if you reached the INT limit, the game crashed. So guess what, a lot of people created maps in which were exactly 32767 units in height. Despite the fact that it broke texture mapping and slowed the game down considerably. Why so? Because it was the limit.

Since people will always always push to the limit just for fun ("oh I'll make a ship with a gazillion weapons slot, this is SO cool"), we'd better push the limit down to decent values. 20 looks good.