AAsh that wasn't rude, it was replying in kind

Everyone seeks attention in their own way and you have found yours...not very originally of course. You want to be heard...and really, you don't want to take the risk to produce or create anything. I can understand that. It's scarey. But please, don't try and hide behind civility because you show none. And I show very little to you in return. Your attempt to be the one to define 4X or orginality is the ultimate in bombastic, pointless judgement calls. I could go on and on refuting your silly claims or making valid points of my own but in the end that is pretty much what guys like you want. Attention.
Ras gives you a bunch of reasons why he likes things in SotS and you respond with "I laugh at such rubbish." (wow dude, get a better script writer. Even Doctor Doom doesn't talk like that anymore.) So much for intelligent debate or respect for anyone else's thoughts than your own.
Lets face it...you are the person who runs into a restaurant and yells "I hate the food here!" Is it because you are interested in polite, meaningful debate? Nope. You just want to be heard by the people who are enjoying, or in this case looking forward to enjoying, their food.
SotS is attempt to break out of a mold set down 15 years ago or so. To take what works and question what doesn't. If that eludes or upsets you then don't buy the game...hell, I forbid it

Its not for you. Now scurry along to the next restaurant.