Thread: Deeper Space
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Old December 8th, 2005, 07:21 PM

TaoLibra TaoLibra is offline
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Default Re: Deeper Space

chinp said:
I was thinking of perhaps adding an Infinite Improbability Drive (although I don't know if there would be any troublesome legalities involved with it)
It is my understanding that as long as you aren't charging money for it, and it is clearly, indisputably a FAN-produced mod, nobody can sue you for using elements from any existing Sci-Fi source you care to use.

A similar question once arose in regard to a fan-produced shipset (mod) for Space Empires III which used ships from Star Wars. If I am remembering correctly, Malfador Machinations (who made SE3) hosted the shipset as a free download on the same site where the game was sold, which caused LucasFilms to warn them to remove it. But the Star Wars shipset continued to be available as a free download on various SE3 fan sites � where it never got any warnings from LucasFilms, because they couldn't possibly claim that anyone was making money from it. And later, there were numerous Star Trek and Babylon 5 shipsets for SE3, too.