Re: Jokes and Riddles Centre
> Can Cold Water Clean Dishes?
> This is for all the germ conscious folks that worry about using cold
> to clean.
> John went to visit his 90 year old grandfather in a very secluded, rural
> area of Georgia.
> After spending a great evening chatting the night away, John's
> prepared breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. However, John noticed a film
> like substance on his plate, and questioned his grandfather asking, "Are
> these plates clean?"
> His grandfather replied, "They're as clean as cold water can get them.
> Just you go ahead and finish your meal, Sonny!"
> For lunch the old man made hamburgers. Again, John was concerned
> the plates as his appeared to have tiny specks around the edge that looked
> like dried egg and asked, "Are you sure these plates are clean?"
> Without looking up the old man said, "I told you before, Sonny, those
> dishes are as clean as cold water can get them. Now don't you fret, I
> want to hear another word about it!"
> Later that afternoon, John was on his way to a nearby town and as he was
> leaving, his grandfather's dog started to growl, and wouldn't let him
> John yelled and said, "Grandfather, your dog won't let me get to my car".
> Without diverting his attention from the football game he was watching
> TV, the old man shouted ..
> Meet Coldwater.....................
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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