Thread: Z-fire
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Old October 12th, 2005, 07:25 PM
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Artur Artur is offline
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Default Z-fire


I recently found out how effective it is . and the coolest thing about it is that it can be fired through smoke . Those familiar with SPWaW can really appreciate that...
I find it very useful in urban combat for example. It is good against the snipers as well. I could not silence a sniper even with +5 or 7 shots at him, and with 3-4 time Zfireing they start to retreat . (See my post about the snipers.)
How often do you apply this in your tactics?

I found two issues though, not too big but worth to mention.
1. Units tend not to return fire on Z-fire. Is that intentional? To me it seems not so logical but I may be wrong.
2. Sometimes the Z-fre misses go to places where it would be impossible to go, like behind a building etc...

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu
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