Re: The ultimate fraud?
We as citizans have a duty to our nation to help fund it. That is what we do through our Tax code. Granted the tax code is a huge document filled with an utter entanglement of legalize and pork that does more harm than good. Granted the IRS has never passed an audit in its exsitance and that it promoted harrasment of tax payers without regard for situation, or circomstance.
If this is true, then I say only the people who have been bothered or have ever owed the IRS back taxes and have had to pay interest and penalties should have a claim. Wait, that nearly everybody.....
In the turn of the century cooporations paid the bulk of income tax. Now its 100% of the poor (People who make less than 25,000 a year) paying 80% of all taxes. The uber rich pay less in tax than a coctail waitress and some cooperations pay even less than that.
The tax code has been changed so many times to favor the rich and punish the poor that it is really a meaningless document that does need to be thrown out.
If cooperations and the uber rich, people who make more than 100k a year, paid their fair share - equal in percentage to what we pay making less than 25k a year, then we would not have such a huge deficate.
Most people who make less than 25k a year pay about 14 to 17% in tax.
People who make more than a 100k a year pay about 6 to 9% in tax. They say its fair because why should they pay more...
THEY SHOULD PAY MORE BECAUSE THEY MAKE MORE!!!! When I would work OT and make more I had to pay 30% of it to tax... Why the hell should I be punished and have to pay more when I make more and the rich don't? WTF is fair about that?
I have no problem paying taxes to pay for schools, roads, cops, firemen, good goverment, health services, foresty services, and so on. What I dislike about paying taxes is that they are NOT fairly distributed to all and those who make less pay more in tax. That is fundamentally [censored] up!
Cooperations get these huge tax breaks, find loop holes, and move cooperate HQ's out of the US in order to avoid paying their fair share in taxes. They move jobs overseas, cut the benefits they pay their US workers, and take tax breaks and write offs for doing it. That is NOT RIGHT, and should be stopped now. If a company moves jobs out of the US to save a buck, then they should be TAXED heavily for every job they export. Its only fair as the US is loosing that jobs tax base... The amount of money a person in the US would pay in income tax if that job had stayed in the US.
I do hope he wins.... but he will most likely either get killed, suffor a heart attack, die of an accident or natural causes long before this case ever sees the light of a court room. Chances it will be thrown out of court long before any of that ever happens.
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