Re: Additional Salvo! Hotkeys
Dag nab it � I knew I was setting myself up for something� OK � Its on the list� (And it is List time.)
Oh, and one thing that I think got neglected in the �Announcement� but is already done is a movement undo Hotkey. The U key will (In the update) undo the last movement, up to the point that you select another ship. So � if the Ship Movement did not turn out quite like you planned or a ship blocked your firing ark � you can simply undo the movement and try a differnt marker. Things will get a little tricky (no undo) if you run aground, or afoul of another ship, but it is still a good addition, and a hot key that should be documented. So, lets add a hotkey help topic� <Sigh>
Andrew Lonon
"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." - Ratty