September 24th, 2005, 05:58 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Jokes and Riddles Centre
Warning: This could make the 'Worst jokes ever' book.
Subject: Spew alert.
Author: Leonard Hollar
Date: 23 Sep 2005 06:56 PM
Originally Posted: 23 Sep 2005 08:00 PM
Two Norwegians walk into a pet shop in Duluth. They head to the bird
section and Sven says to Hans, "Dat's dem." The owner comes over and asks
he can help them. "Yeah, we'll take four of dem dere little budgies in dat
cage up dere," says Sven. The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag.
Hans and Sven pay for the birds, leave the shop and get into Sven's
pick-up and drive to the top of the Skyline Hwy Park. At the park, they
climb the Engor Tower. Sven looks down at the 1000-foot drop and says:
looks like a grand place."
He takes two birds out of the bag, puts them on his shoulders and jumps
off the top of the Tower. Hans watches as Sven falls all the way to the
bottom, killing himself stone dead.
Looking down at the remains of his best pal, Hans shakes his head and
"Dis budgie jumping is too dangerous for me."
BUT WAIT!!!! There's MORE!
Moments later Ole arrives up at Engor Tower. He's been to the pet shop too
and climbs up to the stairs to the top of the Tower, carrying another
bag in one hand and a shotgun in the other. "Hi, Hans. Watch dis," Ole
He takes a parrot from the bag and throws himself over the edge of the
Tower. Hans watches as half way down, Ole takes the gun and shoots the
parrot. Ole continues to plummet down and down until he hits the bottom
and breaks every bone in his body.
Hans shakes his head and says, "And I'm never trying dat parrotshooting
BUT WAIT!!!!.....There's MORE!!
Hans is just getting over the shock of losing two friends when Lars
He's also been to the pet shop and is carrying a paper bag out of which he
pulls a chicken. Lars then grasps the chicken by the legs holds it over
head and hurls himself off the top of the tower and disappears down and
down until he hits a rock and breaks his spine.
Once more Hans shakes his head - "First der vas Sven with his budgie
jumping, den Ole parrotshooting . . . . . and now Lars tries hengliding.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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