Re: I am just Evil
As an evil Emperor I glassed an entire world just because I broke my favorite coffee mug and needed a replacement.
As an Evil Emperor I dropped Planetary Napalm on an entire world just to cook some marshmellows......I then destroyed another world because I forgot the damn marshmellow!
As an evil emperor I destroyed a sun just to see if my sunglasses really would "Block all UV light"
As an evil Emperor I killed every man on the planet just so that I could finally look at those girls and go "Really not even if I were the last man on Earth?"
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!
"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.
"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.