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Old August 11th, 2005, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: What are your most hated \"Gamey\" Tactics

embis said:
I hate facing an army consisting of 10's of size "0" snipers that pop up in the last turn and take all the victory hexes!

A "rallied" crew leading a charge in a suicidal dash to expose my positions. (I really hate that, You just crawled out of a brewed up tank and the CO say, "great, you lot can lead the assault"

(also posted at SZO Steel Panthers Forum)
The best way to avoid gamey tactics is to avoid playing against gamey players, as they tend to be the ones that use ahistoric force mixes, gamey tactics etc. Or, they may simply be clueles about real military force mixes?.

(non competitive) PBEM really is about finding a set of players you find comfortable to play against. Be prepared to stop playing against folk whose "style" grates, such as gamey players, or those who regularly ignore the agreed terms (like force balance as discussed in another thread). Some such players may simply be ignorant of correct military organisation and tactics, perhaps kids more used to click and twitch "Real Time Strategy" (sic) clickfest games?, and so perhaps be open to being "educated", and so can learn to play "realistically".

In competetive PBEM - ensure the organisers have a list of dos and dont's and that players who ignore these do get initially warned and then removed if they do not shape up is probably best.

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