Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Fyron sets about animating the bloated, defiled corpses of the hops and barley used to create that abomination into the living dead. He then outfits the newly risen horde with mint-flavored toothpicks and dented, used beer bottle caps for shields. After razing that most unholy of structures, the army marches tirelessly towards the Cantina...
Upon arriving, they find the incorrigible Renegade cowering in the shadows. Having powers far beyond those of normal hops and barley, the horde can clearly see his craven form in the darkness. The horde swarms about Renegade's feet, jabbing their tooth picks into his feet at every opportunity. Overcome with sickening weakness from having partaken of the Unamable Brew, Renegade quickly succumbs to the pain of the stabbings and tumbles forward, landing face first on the Cantina floor.
The hops and barley horde quickly surround Renegade and impale their toothpicks into him. Foisting him in the air, they quickly carry the cattle rancher, now moaning like a girl, to one of the back rooms where the local pub brews are stored. They pry off the lid of an especially large keg and dump Renegade inside. The lid is then sealed back on, leaving Renegade to ruminate upon his crimes.