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Old August 5th, 2005, 12:46 PM
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Default Re: What Changes in the CD Version

Jim1954 said:
I noticed that the delay between ordnance impact and explosion is significantly reduced on my install.
The original plan was to release the patch for the downloadable version at the same time the CD version was released then both games would be in sync for bugfixes. OOB changes etc etc etc. A list of changes was to be issued at the same time and the people owning the CD's wouldn't need to install the patch becasue all the fixes would have been included with the CD

Plans usually end up in disarray and that was the case here as well.

After the CD version was "pressed" we, of course, found other things we felt needed fixing as well so we gave up on the idea of a patch only for the downloaded version. The patch, when it's released, will upgrade both the DL version and the CD version.

Here is the list of changes made to the CD version that will be included in the patch for the DL version


This patch contains the following changes and additions for the v1.01 Upgrade ( already included in the CD version )

1) Points were not correctly charged for elite or second-rate troops when bought by the human player - fixed

2) The cost calculaton was done in floating point, leading to rounding down when e.g. a squad at 15 was revalued to 15.75 points, was reduced back to 15 when converted back to integer. Now rounds up to 16 before returning.

3) Combat sounds had short delays after them left over from the old DOS sound system which only played one track at a time. These have been removed, as well as reducing some delays on user messages appearing during combat sequences. Sounds should be quicker, and the delay when a unit was destroyed is gone.

4) A problem in XP which could cause a crash (and very rarely in Windows 98) when deleting formations on purchasing when the formation spanned 2 pages was fixed. Now when a formation is deleted, the entire list is recalculated.

5) Air weapons were not showing correctly in the scenario editor change weapons dialogue. The weapons list now shows all potential weapons, and since there was only room on the screen for 120 weapons we have added 3 "pages" accessed by entering negative numbers as the page number. -1 for page 1, -2 for weapons 120+ and -3 for weapond 200+.

6) Casualties for paratroops landing has been revised. Small one man teams should have less casualties on landing, as should vehicles especially the "airborne APC" class. Ammo containers no longer explode when dropped

7) Numerous OOB fixes - UK , Netherlands, India, and east Germany have had more work that some but a number of nations using 'Carl Gustaves" had them classed incorrectly in the weapons list and those have been corrected. There were a few other minor issued that resulted in all OOB's being point recalculated.

8) I new Scenarios added #107 Raid into Honduras 1986

9) 2 Scenarios reworked . Scenario #1 has been extensively revised and sceanrio #28 has had minor alterations

10) Game Options master Control Programme now exposes 2 variables that were only available through INI file editing.

A] Graphics delay is the minimum wait time between screen redraws,
B] Unit |Move delay controls the time units wait between multiple hex moves.

11) Game Messages Delay has been changed to work in roughly 1/4 second intervals and not 1/2 second. In addition, a user-editable modifier has been added to the INI file [game] section for those who require to radically aler the base messages delay level.

12) Instructions have been added to the sub folder of \Game Data\Sounds for people who may encounter sound problems on their computers when using the MP3 sound files in the game. We did not include WAV files as comparable quality WAV's would have added 144MB to the amount of HD space used by the game but we have included step by step instructions for those few players who may encounter dificulties

13) There have been a few minor alterations to some vehicle SHP files

14) a few photos used by the OOB's have been revised

15) a correction has been made to the Sounds.INI file that prevented the PPsh sound FX from playing in the game

16) two in game help texts have been revised

17) The game manual has been corrected to give you more information on the additional controls added to the GameOptions Misc page

18) UAV now considerd high flyers, above rifle and AAMG height and require proper AA guns and SAM to engage.

19) Bugs with Allied units showing the wrong experience level and ID tag were fixed.

20) Bug with points not being correctly charged for unit experience and morale levels fixed.

21) Bug where pressing previous page after a formation was deleted in the purchase screen occasionally crashed the PC fixed.

22) Bug where having more than 23 of a particular unit type simultaneously available caused the units to be unpurchaseable fixed. Now if more than 23 of a type are available att he first time, only the first 23 are displayed rather than declaring a formation invalid.

23) In the advance or delay with the traditional victory hex clusters, occasionaly these were displayed off the bottom of narow maps under 40 hexes tall. Now fixed.

24) Bug where pressing escape in the map save screen after changing your mind on the selected save slot - fixed.

25) A bug whereby units in a campaign which used ARENA or VIRSS did not have the shots restored - fixed

The following changes have been added AFTER the CD version went gold which, when added to either the DL or CD version will upgrade both games to ver 1.02 ..

26) Iraqi Picklist altered to give a more accurate " insurgent" type force composition for the AI and includes a further revised OOB

27) NVA Picklist altered to give a few armoured vehicles to the AI once in awhile while US forces are still engaged plus added APC infantry after the USA departed

28) There was a bug when the AI was buying 1/50th of the force value as mines in defence then 20% more if it was a river crossing or beach assault. - in campaign battles only. -FIXED

29) added "Dragons teeth" to hex mouse-over, if DTare in the hex and added "Mines" to hex mouse over if mines detected in a hex

30) AI was sometimes deploying units in lakes. FIXED

31) A "mission" button has been added to the deployment screen ( Useful if you saved during deploy, and came back 2 weeks later and forgot your mission)

31) "In scenarios, if the "reaction turn" is set to "turn 98" units will hold in place for the entire game and not counter attack to re-take V-Hexes. This includes both advance and assault and delay and defend scenarios"

32) Merkava MICV "Nemer" Icon added

33) AA radars will now spot planes and helos at ranges beyond the firing unit's ground vision rating

That's it, to date. I would like to get this patch released this month sometime and as noted, will upgrade BOTH versions of the game


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?
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