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Old July 18th, 2005, 05:48 AM
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Default Re: Happiness and captured populations?

Imperator Fyron said:
There has been some theorizing that the happiness trait actually works in 5s (like Environmental Resistance), so 120% is only a bonus of 4 to happiness. It would explain the seemingly low affect of the trait, though I do not know if it is accurate.
If it's any help to you, 50 happiness and 51 ER do not make happiness go down naturally, but 45 happiness and 51 ER (or 40 happiness, I forgot) do make happiness go down. In the first example, we have a -19 modifier, and in the second one we are down to -21, by following that theory, so it looks like it's correct.

On another note, I have yet to see captured provinces actually be unhappy, but it may be just because the effect isn't anywhere severe enough to matter.
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