Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
well I posted else where, and to me this seems almost tlaior made for Paltoon then Company then battlion style you want:
Details: (P29)
Left Charlston on Aug 16th on the transport ship USNS Maurice Rose
Arived Qui Nhon mid september
Joined up with advanced party who with the help of the 101 Airborne had secured an area of scrub jungle.
Rougth discription:
North of An Khe, 42 miles west of Qui Nhon.
On east side, an old airstrip with ahree story building on the NW side of the airstrip.
When complete the base:
12 mile long, 100 yard wide defense parimiter. Able to hold the divisions fixed and rotory wing assests. no permamant structures apart form bunkers.
battlions take turns in holding parimter, running patrols and setting OP's.
During the first few weeks a few light probes from VC.
Sniper activety on patrols.
Another battlions mascot (A mule) KIA.
1st Barigade's fight:
Hosptial fight: Nov 1 (P32)
Searching for the NVA who attacked Plei Mei SF base and ambushed the ARVAN relief coloum.
aprox 12 enemy spotted by Air-scout's fired on and scattered.
Moments later another group of NVA spotted, Troops landed on the ground (I Guess about coy strength). leading to the capture of a NVA feild hospital. total enemy KIA 15, POW 44.
That afternoon NVA counter attack, 4 hours later 1x battlion flown in. Estimated enemy KIA 250.
Trail Ambush, Nov 3, (P33)
3 platoon sized ambushes set around the Ia drang River trail.
1 Plt on trial other two set 1 mile to the north.
An NVA coloum appraoches and stops about 120 yards south for rest break shortly after 2100 they move through the ambush site. The Troopers let the coloum pass but when the HW coy arrives they attack with claymores.
Then all troops fall back to LZ for pick up.where they are counter attacked by the NVA. 1 coy is flown in to renforce the troops.
NVA strength 1x Rifle Coy, 1x Heavy weapons Coy.
3rd brigades fight
12 nov. 2323
The brigade's HQ, Avation fuel store and engineer facitlites are attacked, a 1 hour battle follows in which the VC are driven off.
LZ X-ray
LZ Albanay
LZ Falcon