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Old July 12th, 2005, 09:20 AM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Artillery response times

Alby said:
Anyway other than the code to speed these up?
2 turns (in some cases)for a modern mortar using an FO seems a little loooong to me
especially for USA
Yes there is. Same thing came up a month ago or so on the spww2 mailing list. Here's the trick (should work in WinSPMBT too even if the ranges are longer, just needs better preparation and unit placement):

--- In [email protected], "chuck151151" <chuck151151@y...> wrote:
> Hello
> Im currently trying to push in the dunkirk perimeter and I have a
> company propped in preperation to occupy a little wooded copse. I
> think maybe I should drop a few rounds in first from my handy little
> 5cm mortar. But then I decided not to, because even with my artillery
> OP in attendance I need to wait a minimum of two turns before the
> rounds will land!

There's a simple solution which you can use in most instances. Fire a
single round using area fire into a hex as close as possible to the
out-of-sight hex you actually want to target. Now go to the artillery
screen, select the mortar in question and it'll show the hex where the
round landed as it's last target. Now click the 'bombard' button.
It'll zero in on the hex with a delay of 0.0 or 0.1 (not sure right
now which one). Now shift the target hex once or twice (at 2 hexes
each time)towards the out-of-sight hex you want to target. This will
add from 0.1 to 0.4 (depending on whether you use a FO or not) to the
Since it's a light mortar with limited range (10 hexes) two shifts at
2 hexes should be able to make the desired hex the target hex with a
delay of less than 1.0
The problem is that you can't use this 'trick' if your mortar is
in 'full cover' ie has only a LOS of 1. So don't hide it behind
buildings or dense woods. Keep it out of LOS but keep hexes close to
the enemy (preferably right next to them) in LOS.

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