Backis said:
Nah, I just used the Zuzanna/Dana icon (the Frenchie port� is just to small... Archer is pretty big.
I had the privilege to climb around in one in Karlskoga some time ago. Its really a monster, and looks more like a spaceship than a artillery system. It has six onboard computers, how about that?
Regarding the OOB:s, I have the current army (at least the fighing part) organization under control. I follow the offical publications stating what a certain formation includes. Each unit however conducts their own "tests" regularly to see what functions and what does not, but I will go by the books on this one. The latest (pansarskyste) organization listed in SP is 98, today I guess 02 is correct
I dont know how deep we will want to run with the formrations. The game is a about combat, so is there any real need for "Tung kabelgrupp" or "Stridsvagnstransport"?
Anyway, I will go offline for about two weeks soon and go to the Med and spend some time with Mr San Miguel. Wont do much use for the Swedish OOB then, but I will be back
