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Old July 11th, 2005, 05:33 PM
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Default System restore and WinMBT ...

The other day I had some WinMedia files failing to work. So I hit system restore which returns the OS - WinXP - to a good previous condition.

The down side is that this also appears to affect WinMBT.

Effect: The show movement stays lit even after moving; sound may disappear or become seriously muted. As well there are other consequences. This affectsed all of my games: PBEM; Scen; Save.

Solution: In the end in order to return WinMBT to it's pristine condition I restored to a point that postdated at least one of my copies of WinMBT. I then took each of the files in the main root from my remaining working copy and copied it into each of my other installs.

This allowed me to return to completing all my pbem games without any further problems.
I did manage to complete the PBeM games before I realized how to solve it. I like this easily rememdied WinMBT game. It is fabulously stable and runs well with other programs that eat up an enormous amount of processor time.

Thanks again Don & Andy and SPCAMO.

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