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Old July 10th, 2005, 07:47 AM
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Default Re: Making battalions in the editor?

Francois said:
Hi guys,

how can you design a battalion in the editor? I'm trying to add an HHC section, but it's obviously not enough, because I can't see the HHC section subordinated to the high HHQ (I'm trying to design brigades). my ideal OoB would be:
A0: high HQ
B0: Bn HQ section
C/D/E: Companies

Has anyone tips on that? Thanks in advance, have a nice day 8)

Fran�ois Gu�rin
I presume by "editor" you mean Mobhack, and not the scenario editor?.

Did you read the section in the Mobhack help entitled "Formations tab" where it says "There are 2 types of formation in SP - companies and platoons."

The A0 unit is the highest level of command and all companies and independant platoons are commanded by it. Se the "companies" section, paragraph starting "Command level 5 is the Battle Group HQ".

You can have brigades or batallions - as a collection of companies and platoons under A0.

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