Re: Greeting all
I will try to find my old notes on those Scenarios
The First Scenarios is going to be East of Cario between the Cannel and the Nile River.
I am not sure if I want to make it where the Guards Airborne Div already in place or for them to drop into the area in front of the Lead Israeli Armor Spearheads.
The Original Scenario when played had the Soviet Airborne already in place. Of course I will have an introduction History on how the Soviet units get into place, and why the Russian are coming into the Middle East. ( Mainly to stop the Israeli Advances).
This almost happen if it wasn't for Nixon telling the Israelis to back off and agree to the ceasefire. Golda Mier was ready to carry the battle to Syria and Eqypt and make Israel safe and at peace in the Middle East.