Re: Sounds
During any bombardment a click occurs instead of the bombardment sound. Sometimes clicks occur instead of proper weapon sound when firing a weapon. I have tried this with the number 6 and 7 scenario. Occurs everytime during the intial bombardment of Egypt in scenario 7. Also, in NVA bombardment of scenario 6 by turn 2 or 3. I always play with fast artillery off. I have tried it with stock oob's and my slightly altered oob's with no difference. Graphic delay settings make no difference. It seems that sometimes a sound does not play or you hear a soft click. Sometimes if you fire a small arms at a tank (ARVN v NVA) the ping sound on the tank is a little delayed and seems to mix with the weapon sound, especially with a 40 mm grenade launcher. Sometimes the weapon sound is not heard with a miss. Of course other times firing a weapon is fine. However, artillery bombardments always have about 1/3 to 1/2 of impact sounds missing or just a soft click. Also, when the NVA tanks fire at my infantry sometimes the main gun sound is missing or delayed sometimes not. I know other players have had the same problem. I hope this helps.