Thread: OT: Morrowind?
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Old May 15th, 2005, 07:42 PM

deccan deccan is offline
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Default Re: OT: Morrowind?

AgentZero said:
Hey, I'm quoting myself. How wierd is that? Anyway, just got off Noob Isle, and I freely admit to be completely lost. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing because all the equipment is really expensive and all the missions I get give you piddling amounts of credits and XP. How am I gonna afford that 50,000 credit gun (which seems to be the only one my character could use right now), when each mission only nets me about 200 creds?
Note: I'm posting the AO advice here because it might e interesting to other people. But if it bugs people, then I'll remove it.

An essential part of AO is using the Clicksaver external program. Basically, in AO, you can generate random missions to do. The missions will give you a random item as a reward for completing the mission. Clicksaver gives you the exact name of the reward item and can automate the random mission generation process so that you can type in the item you want and it will request missions from AO until one turns up with the item you want as a reward. In my case, I never spend any money on armor pieces (weapons don't apply to me since I'm a martial artist), I simply clicksave my way to a new set of armor every 5 to 10 levels. Note that you can clicksave for nanos as well.

In my opinion, the early levels are the worst money-wise, but things get better very quickly, which is why some starting capital of 100k credits or so from a friend works very nicely. Over the long term, the only money sinks are:

1) Yalms
2) Player cities

Other than that, you should be able to make much, much more money than you can spend on NPC shops so long as you clicksave for most stuff. I prefer clicksaving anyway. It's actually far less tedious and more fun than trekking to every city and checking out all the shops in all the cities for the stuff I want.

The real need for money comes when you need to buy stuff from other players, either services or goods. But you shouldn't have to worry about that until post level 50.

At the early levels, I would recommend clicksaving for a decent set of weapons and armor, then enter the abandoned subway dungeon, preferably with a good group, and the levels will literally go by faster than you can spend the IPs. When you're about level 25 or so, you can start hanging out at the Temple of Three Winds. That dungeon is something of a money maker since the mobs there tend to drop okay amounts of cash.

Currently at my level, the only real expense I have are:

1) Implants.
2) Medical equipment.

I'm rapidly outgrowing the store buyable implants though, which is another reason why I'm thinking of joining a good org with engineers who can build custom implants for me.
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