May 15th, 2005, 01:49 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Re: OT: Morrowind?
AgentZero said:
deccan said:
AgentZero said:
Well, as a great man once said, "Resistance is futile!" Never played a true MMORPG, so I figure if I don't have to pay a thing, I may as well give it a go to see if I even like it. deccan, expect a request for funding soon.
No problem, but since AO doesn't have an in-game mailing system like WOW, we'd have to meet up sometime. Also, my main is neutral so I can go anywhere, but if you choose a sided faction, there will be places you can't go too.
You'll start in Newbie Isle anyway, and once you leave you can't go back.
Currently milling around Newbie Isle blowing up cargo droids... Playing a neutral adventurer to start out with (loosely based on a character from my latest story, which I haven't had time to work on, but hasn't been forgotten), but don't really have a lot of free time lately, so I probably won't get off Noob Isle for another week. If we do manage to swing a rendez-vous, just try not to look shocked.
Hey, I'm quoting myself. How wierd is that? Anyway, just got off Noob Isle, and I freely admit to be completely lost. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing because all the equipment is really expensive and all the missions I get give you piddling amounts of credits and XP. How am I gonna afford that 50,000 credit gun (which seems to be the only one my character could use right now), when each mission only nets me about 200 creds?
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!