May 2nd, 2005, 10:31 PM
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Re: OT: Morrowind?
I don't have the bandwidth to download the Morrowind speed run, but here's an explanation of how it was done posted by Igor Murashkin in QT3:
Finally watched it!
Argonian Assassin. Travels using mage guild and amulets.
Steals some armor/weapon, sells it to Kreeper, buys ingredients, goes on to make fortity intelligence potions, quaffs them, and makes more of them...
Now this isn't even funny, his intelligence went up to like 8887 at one point , then he proceeded to make Fortify Health & Strength potions (one potion to fortify both), Boost Speed potions, Levitate potions. Speed is now 456, Luck 412.
..... Then bought some Scroll of Mark in Ald'Ruhn, takes some Levitate potion and flies really really fast to Vemynal. Quaffs the Fortify Strength/Health Potion.. Using a Warhammer of Wounds knocks out Dagoth Vemyn and takes some kind of item (probably Sunder), teleports to red mountain and goes to Odrosal. On the way puts a Mark at Dagoth Ur.
Knocks out Dagoth Odros, takes some key-looking thing and picks up a weapon of some kind (probably Keening), teleports to Dagoth Ur. Anyways, he runs to Dagoth Ur, knocks him up in 2 or 3 hits, runs inside the chamber...
By this time he's got 565/35 health, 7808/7815 mana, 515/515 Fatigue
409 Strength, 7815 Intel, 826 Speed, 783 Luck.
He quaffs a bunch of fortity health potion, then Sunder in his hand goes and uses it in Akulahan's Chamber. Then uses Keening. I believe the mortal wounds would usually kill you, but he had a crazy amount of health and thus didn't even need to wear the Wraithguard. Then he somehow teleports next to Azura (I think she was outside) and waits for a couple of seconds for Dagoth Ur to die , and then the main quest ends with the movie.
So looks like a pretty thorough bug exploit. You'd think it would be a quick skill run , but instead it exploits the fact while you are in inventory the game is paused and you can quaff as many potions as you want.. one would think Bethesda would've put a limit on how much you could buff your stats, huh? It's pretty stupid IMHO, why are you limited to 100 in stats by default but not limit to getting buffs?
and I thought me getting a glass set as a level 1 was pretty cool.. heh Smile. I hope this guy didn't use the construction set, otherwise it seems like a pretty good culmination of his skills and why Morrowind was so awesome!