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Old April 28th, 2005, 11:55 AM

Leslie Leslie is offline
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Default Re: What Kind Of Games Would You Like To See Made?

I want to see someone actually make Up Front (the card game from AH) into a game I can play online in the same way I can play Magic the Gathering (also a card game).

I want someone to stop explaining to me "oh that's owned by Hasbro", or "they sold the digital rights to so and so".

I don't give a darn who owns the game, I want to play it.
If it means you go buy it, then for crying out loud go buy it.
You honestly think they will refuse to sell it if you offer them good money?

Up front is a darn good game, suffering only one flaw, it went out when AH died (AH by the way died, being a label doesn't make you a company).

I own the board game, whoop dee doo. I want to play it against anyone too. And that means offering me an electronic option.
And no, it doesn't always have to be a Vassal game module.
It's a card game eh, I want to be able to play cards at card game speeds ideally.

Mnemonic games is trying to create their interpretation of this experience. Not sure what their success is to date (haven't checked recently).
If they can get their idea out the door, I probably could settle for their design.

But that's what I want.

The market is already stuffed to the gills with games representing WW2 at every scale and every mode I can think of.
Accept cards.
Just my humble forum
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