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Old March 18th, 2005, 08:54 PM
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AgentZero AgentZero is offline
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AgentZero is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill

Agent Zero walks in, for once managing to do so with style and grace, and applauds Puke's fine words.

"Well said, my good man, well said. After all, how can total annihilation ever hope to compete with degredation and humiliation? The latter are just more fun."

With that, Agent Zero pulls out his Custard-Pie Repeating Rifle and advances into the bar. He pats Puke reassuringly on the shoulder, wipes the ick off on Renegade, then grabs StrategianInUltima by the scruff of the neck, bends him over a bar stool, yanks down his pants and shoves his Custard-Pie Rifle firmly up Strategian's rectum.

"This," -he says as he flicks the weapon over to Full Automatic- "ought to be interesting." He then hauls back on the trigger and the sound of pasteries impacting the colon at high velocity fills the room. Eventually, Agent Zero relents, though not before custard has begun to leak from Stratigan's ears. Zero cleans off his gun, tucks it back into his coat and pulls up SIU's pants before letting him drop to the floor, where he lies quivering, numbed by the mortification that has just befallen him. Agent Zero reaches the door, pulls it open, then stops and turns around.

"Oh, and Strategian, I left ants in your pants," [/i] he says before disappearing into the night.

And then the screaming began....
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!
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