Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.(Edit
My previous 550 + 400 for the rats & croc + 50 for key = an even 1000. Yay, level 2!
Yay! Good HP roll! (see attached for screen capture)
Let's see... +4 Skill Points from class, +2 Int modifier, +1 for Human = +7 skill points
+1 base attack bonus from class
Now Class +3 save for Fort and Will.
Let's see... am I missing anything?
Oh yeah:
My choice would be that experience should scale with the base difficulty of the encounter - a crocodile worth 1000 exp should be worth 1000 exp regardless of who kills it - as the effect of exp already scales down as level scales up - it costs 1000 exp to go from level 1 to level 2 - one crock. It take 2000 exp to go from level 2 to level 3 - two crocks. It takes 3000 exp to go from level 3 to level 4 - three crocks. Sure, a level-10 character can probably take out that crock without breaking a sweat, but (s)he needs to take down 10 of them to see the same improvement that the level 1 character did when taking down one of them.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.