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Old January 2nd, 2005, 02:06 PM
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Starhawk Starhawk is offline
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

The "Sword of Heaven" is one of five "Five Swords" class warships they are as follows:
"Sword of Icara"
"Sword of Vengence"
"Sword of Justice"
"Sword of Wrath"
"Sword of Heaven"
They are the "Flag Monitor" size which is a creation of mine it is 6,000 kt and takes over 2 years to build, plus a LOT of resources to build and maintain.

Empire Status:
+75364 mineral
+336609 organic
+403318 rad

Resources: 1.6m
Research Points: 411.4k
Intelligence Points 311.0k
Tech Levels: 217
Systems 53
Planets: 289
Population: 107.3 billion
Units 3899
Ships 142
Bases: 0
Rank: 2nd

Allied With:
Remorhaz Peoples Republic
Sol Coalition
Citizen Federation
Manti Star Kingdom
Christiria Republic
Empire of Man
Neo-Star Empire

Non Agression:
Celestian Republic

Andoran Star Nation (ranked 1st and MUCH more powerful then me)
Fazar (Xeno race of little importance

Non-Relations with:
Dark Star Union
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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