Re: A new Game story (From the begining)
Yu Lin and William Ross sat quietly, dining in Ross quarters and talking about the news of the day, they had become very close over the Last few years and had begun openly seeing one another a few weeks ago, though normally an Admiral dating a Captain would be forbidden the Yu family name allowed her leeway that no other Captain could have being that socially she was of higher rank then Ross, her military rank was balanced out, they were still somewhat awkward towards one another and had not even kissed one another-which Yu�s mother often teased about over vid mail- but tonight they were not focusing on that, they were just relaxing and talking in peace while their fleet waited on blockade duty in the Cortina system, ensuring that no foreign starships entered the conquered territories.
�So have you heard about that plague?� Yu said absently as she picked at a piece of overly fatty steak.
�Yeah, it�s in one of the Phong systems, I didn�t get the exact details, all I know is that the Admiralty is going to let it run it�s course, they said one less Phong populated world would b a benefit to the safety of the empire.� Ross seemed uncaring towards the Phong, but Yu hated every Phong she had ever seen and Ross had the feeling that she would have enjoyed being allowed to watch the plagued world die.
�Well at least they won�t be wasting any navy assets trying to save them.� She said stiffly, as she set the fatty piece of meat aside and cut herself a fresh piece off of her steak, taking a bite and savoring the rare �real� food.
Ross was about to speak when the com unit chimed, Yu looked up with a grimace, but Ross simply shrugged and tabbed the control.
�Commander Styles here Sir, we just received word from the Admiralty, the Xiati Empire has just surrendered to the 1st fleet, they wished to inform all Admirals of the Royal Navy.�
�Thank you Styles, Ross out.� Ross and Yu sat shocked for a moment before both began to smile, that left only one known race of Xenos, and they were presently too far away to worry about, but more important then that the Icaran empire would grow further.
�Well, I suppose our job just got a little easier.� Yu said cheerfully, smiling at Ross.
�I suppose so, well cheers.� Ross smiled back at her and took a sip of his whine. After a few moments of silence the two returned to their conversations and their pleasant dinner.
On the Xiati side of things it was far less Pleasant, state security troops rounded up dissidents and summarily executed thousands, rulers were dragged into the streets and beaten until they yielded in public to the Icaran Empire, others who would not yield officially were shot dead in full view of their communities, a wave of terror swept through any community that refused to submit, and as the State Security brigades suppressed any signs of revolt the Navy moved on, to return to their normal duties.
Within a month all resistance had stopped, the State Security rolls showed 150,000 dissidents and resistance cell members dead, and 300 government officials executed for inciting their populations to revolt, as well as 500,000 �revolutionary threats� imprisoned for life.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!
"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.
"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.