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Old January 1st, 2005, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Sorrow of A Phong:
They say Mercy is for the weak, the fool and the xeno loving traitor, they say our species is of no divinity and so we have no right to exist on our own, no right to live free and thus they set themselves to the task of ensuring that we did not.
They are a race like none before, they are a race none alone can stand against, we fought them so hard yet they were as demons, striking world after world and colony after colony without ending, no matter what defence we placed before them, it was swept away as nothing. They are the darkness its self, the void incarante, a plague of evil and they enslaved my people for all time.

I remember when I was but a young one, running under the brown skies of our ancestral homeworld, before our leaders led us into the void, they had good intentions at first, we were to reach the heavens and ensure our race's survival, for years our people worked on this great project, and for years after we reached into the stars we met no races and we extended our reach over dozens of worlds in many systems.
We should have known that peace is a fleeting thing, for the first site we got of the great destroyers was a single small vessel, a frigate! we can never know for sure if they had peaceful intent at first, and only they truely know what happened that grim and terrible moon, yet it was with the destruction of that first world, and two of our warships that led to the great war, the Last war of our people.

The great destroyers came on with no mercy, we resisted them every world, every system, but they are demons, cursed and undestroyable, for every life of theirs we took, a thousand of our people fell beneath them! Yet this was not enough for the destroyers, they threw themselves whole heartedly to the war proclaiming it a "Grand Crusade" and a "Holy War" to clense the galaxy of the non-divine races such as we Phong and for years they waged a tireless campaign to extinguish or destroy every one of our worlds.

No more do our people roam free on our worlds, the destroyers march on all worlds that were once ours and unless they are defeated we shall forever be enslaved, a beaten and used people, but know this, have not pity for we Phong, for we fought and kept our dignity even in defeat, do however have sorrow for us, and all others who will fall before this scourge that call's it's self "Icara" for they are the destroyers of worlds, a darkness from the gods sent to punish our arrogance and unless they are stopped all life in this universe will either bow before them or be crushed beneath them.

(Written Verse, Planek,Tal Norva Phong Scholar, written just before the purging of the Phong world known to them as Xenthet after food riots killed dozens of Icarans,

5,032 Phong were killed during the riots
18,592 more Phong were executed for the crimes of their people, including Planek Tal)
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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