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Old December 31st, 2004, 06:09 PM
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Starhawk Starhawk is offline
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

The Icaran embassy on Arich V towered high into the sky, it�s gray fortress like visage dominating the landscape for miles around, a hundred Icaran marines guarded the perimeter, and auto cannon turret towers rose high into the sky at the corners of the massive wall that surrounded the embassy building it�s self. A tiny black ground car approached the fortified battle steel gates and rolled down it�s single un-plated window, a man wearing a Magellan Corp uniform leaned his head out and whispered the pass code to the Icaran sentries who silently turned about and opened the gates to the embassy. The auto cannons tracked the vehicle as it drove up to the door of the main building.
More Icaran marines waited as the car door silently opened, revealing a short, nervous looking gray haired man wearing a business looking suit that had the symbol of the Magellan Corp emblazoned on the right breast pocket. Two Magellan Security branch guards stepped out of the car behind the man in the suit, a third guard stepped out of the driver�s seat and walked over to stand beside his fellows. Eight Icaran Marines walked surrounded the Magellan Corp representative and his three armed bodyguards, a sergeant stepped out of the cluster of marines and grumbled out �Lay down your weapons now, and follow us.� at this the other marines all aimed their weapons directly at the small group of Maggies. The shocked Corporates dropped their weapons at the man in the suit�s gesture.
Fifteen minutes later the man in the suit was sitting in front of a towering Icaran ambassador.
�You wanted to speak to us mister Chairman?� the towering man said gruffly as the head of the Magellan corporation squirmed uncomfortably.
�Yes mister ambassador I did, for two years now the Magellan corporation has been fighting a massive war against both the Manti Star Kingdom and the Neo-Star Empire, in the process of this war billions of Corporate employee�s have died and dozens of our worlds were burned to dust in the fires of conquering armies and fleets, our navy lays in ruins and our army has been totally destroyed.� Chairman Schmit almost cried as he spoke but the Icaran ambassador sat expressionless, and gestured for the man to continue.
�The Magellan corporation knows that you have been redeploying one of your fleets, so that it can invade one of our few surviving systems and this we simply can�t allow.�
The Icaran ambassador smacked his hand on the desk to cut the Chairman off �There is not a damned thing you can do to stop us mister Chairman!�

�That is not what I meant mister Ambassador! Please listen to me, we need this war to end but our enemies will show us no mercy, we are asking�.�the Chairman paused sorrowfully �We are asking for a merger, that you take over our surviving worlds and protect our surviving population.�
The Icaran Ambassador froze, a grin crossing his face as he realized what the Chairman of a hostile empire was suggesting, complete and total surrender of a hostile Empire into the folds of the Icaran Empire, and without even needing to lose a single Icaran life.
�Very well mister Chairman, I think we can accommodate your needs, but we are going to need some insurance, namely that you are going to need to keep your people under control until our State Security forces can secure your worlds, if any of your worlds rebel they will be destroyed, no questions asked, is that understood?� the Ambassador�s voice was ice cold as he laid out the conditions of the surrender, Chairman Schmit�s eyes welled with tears and it was obvious that it was a great force of will alone that kept him from breaking down in front of his enemy.
�Very Well mister Ambassador, I accept the terms, we surrender to you for the preservation of our people.�
The Icaran ambassador stood and shook the other man�s hand, a sharkish smile still on his face while the Chairman frowned grimly �Have a good day, Schmit.�]

On the ride back to the space port the former chairman of the Magellan corporation broke down into tears, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pulsar gun, carefully placed it in his mouth and with one Last thought of his family who had died when the homeworld of his empire was destroyed he squeezed the trigger and let the darkness take him.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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