aiken said:
[rant]Why the hell a crappy sketches of GC2 ships are in the TotalVideoGames.com preview, but beautiful SE5 intro screens can only be found in the malfador site? I seriously think that shrapnel should consider changing/improving their marketing strategy. Or should we write a preview ourselves as soon as screenshots will be availiable and then use blackmail and grafts to publish it in the Online gaming magazine?[/rant]
They are available on SpaceEmpires.net in the image gallery.
Did I miss some interesting game which will be published next year?
I didn't see any interesting games posted? Civ 4 will likely be another piece of junk nefariously marketed to steal tons of money for "new features" in "expansions" that were not anything new or special, as with Civ 3... GalCiv 2 will likely be as bland as GalCiv.
Comm.: direct competitor of SE V as you know. Will be interesting to see this battle for title of the best 4x game.
What battle? There is no competition there, at all...