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Old July 6th, 2001, 10:43 AM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Expanding upon an earlier suggestion...

Make a priority list and use it to go straight to the most important object when right clicking on a sector with multiple objects. To clarify this with an example:

Say I have a colonised planet with a sat group in orbit around it. When I left click on that sector in the system map I am given a choice of whether to view the planet or the satllites- fair enough. The thing is, 99 times out of 100 I will want to view the planet, and not care about the sats. It's a pain having to make that extra click just because there happen to be other objects in the sector. How about if I had the option to *right* click on a sector to go directly to the most important object (in this case the planet?)

A priority list could be used to decide which of the objects is displayed by the right-click.
Here is an example list - if it was in a text file it could be edited according to the player's preferences. Highest priority first:
Own colonised planets, own colonised moons, own ships/ fleets, enemy colonised planet, enemy colonised moon, enemy ships/ fleets, stars, own units, enemy units, uncolonised planets, uncolonised moons, asteroids, warp points, storms.

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so Brain but, if you replace the P with an O, my name would be Oinky, wouldn't it?"
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