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Old July 4th, 2001, 03:24 AM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Lots of good suggestions, I'd just like to point out the three that are most important to me (like I count for anything <G> ):

>> 7. There's an option to show Resupply Depots, Space Ports and Shipyards (R,S,Y) on the sector map, but no way to show other important facilities like Ship/Fleet Training Facilities, System Computers, Urban Pacification Centers or racial trait facilities. <<

>> * As a convenience, click-drag to reorder ship components in the design window, or some .txt file that specifies order. For instance, when upgrading a normal design to an MC design, there's no way to put the master computer at the beginning (where I like to see control stuff) without removing/re-adding all components. More importantly, this allows adding in shield depleters BEFORE normal weapons once you get them, without popping the whole stack, et al. <<

>> * The 'only one needed per system' message does not take into account facilities in build queues. Arguably, it should (or a separate message should ("You have already arranged to build one in this system"). <<

To me, those above three items would save a lot of time. Currently, I use the comments section from the galactic map, but it's cumbersome to keep having to click on that to check what system facilities I've built.
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